Friday, July 24, 2009

Where Dd Me Go?

See what happens when you make a promise to yourself to post everyday? Life explodes.
We've been tapering, whch - sigh. Ths s a good tme to say that the "i" key on my laptop s n functonal revolt. I can make t work, but It's very HARD.

We've been taperng, whch means somethng very dfferent leadng up to an - oh how rIdIculous thIs Is - Ironman than a half Iron. Before Wildflower we were barely movng, and felt fat, useless and sleepy. Maybe a bt cranky. Our training schedule snce we've entered taper - two weeks ago - has ehm...I wouldn't call ths a taper. We stll are supposed to be workng out two times a day, more often than not - say a 45 mn run and an hour swm. We stll bike for 2 hours on Wednesdays. But we must be doing less, my body s achy in the way t gets now f I haven't moved for a three days...and the funky moods are palpable.

I've been gettng reinvolved very intensely wth SFSU - specfcally the Theater Arts Department - my alma mater and undergraduate department. The CA budget crisis has become really dsastrous for the CSU, whch has been n slow declne - in terms of budgets and how faculty and admnstraton are meetng the challenge of reduced fundng - for as long as I've known it, since 2002. Most recently, ts been realzed that not only are thngs beng slashed drastcally - 30% fee increases for students at the same tme that 1,200 sectons are beng cut from the fall semester, and mandatory 2 day/month furloughs are gong nto place for staff; lecturers are next n lne at the choppng block n those departments whch they have not already dsappeared - the pcture s not gong to reverse or even much mprove any tme soon. I got wnd of how bad ts gotten and thought that many years of frustrated hypothetcals and ideas I ddn't thnk could get heard to be tred were maybe fndng ther moment. Two of my frends and I spent a week craftng an open letter to the faculty, I spent many hours gettng to know and talkng wth one of the most actve current students, and went sent t off. I was staggered as I watch ths effort throw itself to the top of my pile of priorties, supplantng Ironman n the homestretch. My traning dropped off - at one pont I went Sunday through Tuesday wth only a 45 mnute run - and everytme a team emal came n, or a bt of plannng for the trp up north needed consderng, I would realze wth a shock how much there stll s to do, and how much I had relegated the thought of all of t to the back burner. The Vineman anxety dreams kcked in almost on the eve of sendng out the letter. Now we're at the foundng an Alumni Associaton stage. I hit a wall yesterday. I found some new limts to how much I can take on. Full tme job, near full tme training, part time alumni network foundng and department restructurng correspondence, etc etc. Spent a large part of yesterday cryng and askng friends to help me, or just lsten. Also I forgot when to break up large blocks of text nto smaller paragraphs.

There were some smaller, more contained topcs I've wanted to wrte about lately, so I thnk I'll go grab a beer, sit down in front of the Tour on tv, plug in an external keyboard, and start a new post.

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